Keto Diet And Fast Food

Good news for those of you that chose the Keto way of living! Luckily for you, there are many fast food restaurants that can offer you a keto meal, allowing you to enjoy the fast food even when you are on a healthy pathway. 

Here are some tips on how to pick the perfect keto meal while in a restaurant:

1. Stick to meat, cheese, and vegetables. 

2. Avoid the bun. Instead, add extra sides like bacon, avocado, and sauces.

3. Read the ingredients when ordering a salad. Avoid leafy greens and berries which are high in carbs. 

4. Say no to breaded. Chicken wings, mozzarella sticks, and other fried food contain a wheat flour-based breading that contains a high amount in carbs. Eat 'naked' meat with a fatty sauce instead.

5. Be aware of condiments. Added sugar in the salad dressing may break your diet as well.

6. Don't hesitate to make a special request. When it comes to your way of living, you can always ask the waiter to prepare your meal low-carb, gluten-free etc.

7. Google it. If you are unsure about the number of carbs in a certain food, you can check the nutritional information online before ordering. Always be sure of what you are putting in in your organism.
