Signs Of Low Potassium Levels In Your Body That You Shouldn't Ignore

The human body is running properly thanks to the nutrients that are crucial for us, and when some of them are not present in out organism in the needed amount, health issues might occur.
Weakness, exhaustion, and tiredness, are some of the symptoms we shouldn't ignore when it comes to our health. These symptoms mostly signalize that our body lacks potassium, a mineral that aids our body in the contraction of our muscles. 
Potassium is stored in our cells, and even the slightest change of its levels outside of the cells can interrupt the work of the muscles, nerves, and heart.
Potassium deficiency will really harm your body, and therefore, your body will signal you by showing numerous symptoms in different stages.
At first, you won’t experience too many problems, but if you don’t do anything about this, you might end up having some of the following symptoms that can harm your muscles, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, nerves, and heart. It all starts with muscle cramps that can range from mild to so severe that it can feel like paralysis

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Tingling or numbness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Stomach cramps and bloating
  • Constipation
  • Fainting, usually caused by low blood pressure
  • Abnormal behavior and physiological conditions such as depression, psychosis, delirium, confusion or hallucinations
  • Swelling of the face, feet, ankles, and abdomen
If you have any of these symptoms, then you should consult your doctor.
What Can Cause Potassium Deficiency
One of the reasons is not having a healthy diet that includes numerous foods rich in potassium. Other reasons are diarrhea, dehydration, and excessive sweating and they can lead to a decrease in potassium.
If you are regularly working out, you might need drinks that are rich in electrolytes in order to prevent dehydration. 
There are some medications that can lower the amount of potassium in your body, especially diuretics. This happens because these medications are helping your body remove fluid and waste more effectively.
Many people are experiencing potassium deficiency because of the processed foods that lack any healthy nutrients. Getting potassium is actually easy if you choose the right ingredients and foods. Potassium can be only found in natural foods which increases the importance of starting a diet.
How to avoid Potassium Deficiency?
The best way that won’t inflict any side effects is to start a diet. Also, foods that are rich in potassium are also good for your health. Here are 5 foods that are rich in potassium:

  • Kidney beans (600 mg of potassium per 3/4 cup)
  • Sweet potato (500 mg of potassium per 1/2 cup)
  • Chard (510 mg of potassium per 1/2 cup)
  • Halibut (430 mg of potassium per 75 grams)
  • Banana (420 mg of potassium per medium sized banana)
Start consuming these foods on a daily basis and you will significantly lower the chance of developing this disorder.
